Winter Solstice kids - creative WORKSHOP
Wed, 21 Dec
We chose the Winter Solstice, the date that marks the short days and long nights, to make our Lanterns and walk together. Program: ✨ Make the flashlight ✨ Meditation "My light" ✨ Walk with the flashlight ✨ Story "The girl and the lantern" ✨ hot chocolate Value: 15€
Horário e local
21 Dec 2022, 18:00 – 19:30
Walls, TV. Conde Ferreira NR 12, 4580-407 Paredes, Portugal
Sobre o evento
We chose the Winter Solstice, the date that marks the short days and long nights, to make our lanterns and walk together!
Program of this 2-hour workshop:
✨ Make the flashlight
✨ Meditation "My light"
✨ Walk with the flashlight
✨ Story "The girl and the lantern"
✨ hot chocolate
A workshop for children, inspired by a German Winter Tradition: "The lantern party", it is a ritual in which people walk and sing along the streets with their lanterns lit.
We are also going to create our own lanterns and do a meditation to find the place full of light and inspiration that is always inside us, even when it seems that everything is dark, even in these winter days.
At the end, while enjoying a Hot Chocolate, there will still be time for a story "The girl and the lantern". The girl who walks with her lantern, symbolically her inner light, but suddenly, the wind blows it out. And so begins her journey, alone and hearing many rejections of her request for help, to find her own light...
Do you want to find your light?
limited vacancies
With: Marta Monteiro and Cristina Pereira
Workshop cost: €15
Duration: 2h00
Enrollment is only formalized by paying the price of the workshop and filling out this form.
Payment method:
Bank transfer
IBAN PT50001000004860147000162
MBway to nr961 641 268
Send proof to with the child's NAME and the name of the Workshop.